good cut of meat
cut meat
: 肉を切る
cut of meat
: 一切れ{ひときれ}の肉、肉の切り身
cut back on meat consumption
: 肉の消費{しょうひ}[摂取量{せっしゅりょう}]を減らす
cut meat with a knife
: ナイフで肉を切る
cut up meat
: 肉を細切れにする
piece (cut) of meat
: piece (cut) of meat 肉片 にくへん
give the meat a good roast
: 肉をよく焼く
good quality meat
: good quality meat 精肉 せいにく
not accept any fatty cut of meat
: 肉の脂身{あぶらみ}を受け付けない
sharp edge used to cut meat
: 肉を切るための鋭い刃
cut a good figure
: 格好{かっこう}よく[かなり立派{りっぱ}に]見える、引き立つ、異彩{いさい}を放つ、頭角{とうかく}を現す
cut a good figure in
: ~を着ると立派{りっぱ}に見える、~を着ると格好いい
suit of good cut
: よい仕立てのスーツ
at meat
: 食卓{しょくたく}に座って
: meat n. (食用の)肉; 食事. 【動詞+】 barbecue meat 肉をバーベキューする Don't burn the meat! 肉を焦がすな You can't carve meat without a proper carving knife. ちゃんとした肉切り包丁がないと肉は切れません Will you carve th
"good crowd of qualified film technicians" 意味
"good cry" 意味
"good custom" 意味
"good customer" 意味
"good customs" 意味
"good cuts of beef" 意味
"good dancer" 意味
"good day" 意味
"good day (daytime greeting, id)" 意味
"good customer" 意味
"good customs" 意味
"good cuts of beef" 意味
"good dancer" 意味
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